Tracker Rules
Erol Toker avatar
Written by Erol Toker
Updated over a week ago

Tracker Rules

Tracker Rules are a set of criteria that allow you to specify the conditions for automations to occur.

The values currently supported include:

  • Source Object: supports all objects implicitly related to the object that triggered the Tracker.

    • These include Account, Contact, Opportunity, Lead, Task, TrulyActivity, TrulyTranscription and User.

  • Source Field: the API name of the field on the object we want to compare

  • Operator: the logic we will use to evaluate the selected field

  • Comparison Value: a comma separated list of values to compare against the source field.


Basic Operators include: equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, greater or equal to, less than or equal to, contains (non-case-sensitive), does not contain and is null/blank/empty.

Wildcard Match: allows you to detect a pattern match within text. For example, if you want to detect all variations of a call recording disclosure on a call, you can use "*monitor*record*" which would capture all of the following phrases.

  • "This call is being monitored or recorded"

  • "We may monitor or be recording this call"

  • "My manager may be monitoring this call and I am recording it"

The only limitation wildcard matches have is that they only work within a paragraph of text (defined as being separated by a newline symbol).

Regular Expression: This is the most advanced operator of all, allowing you to define any regular expression pattern you define. If any matches are found, the rule evaluates to True, and each match detected by the Regular Expression is made available to you within Actions.

For example, you could create a rule that evaluates whether an email signature has a phone number and if the related contact's phone number field is blank. If so, you can pass the detected phone number to the Tracker Action to populate the blank field.

Advanced Settings

Currently, we support two advanced settings for focusing your tracker logic on a specific section of record: StartTime and EndTime in minutes.

By entering values in these fields, you can look for specific signals at a particular point in time in the conversations.

For example, you could focus your call recording disclosure logic to only apply to the first minute of the rep's talk time by entering the values 0 and 1 respectively.

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