Erol Toker avatar
Written by Erol Toker
Updated over a week ago

One of the benefits of the TrulyActivity data model is that it allows you to capture 'snapshot' states of your CRM for later analysis.

While we capture many related object fields by default, it's possible that you may want to capture additional fields for later analysis.

And while this is possible via tools like Process Builder, these are typically not scalable and susceptible to timeouts/failures/etc. To get around these limitations, you can navigate to the Truly Settings Tab > ActivityETL setting.

This setting takes a JSON object that is structured in the following format, where the primary key is the name of the five supported objects, and each one takes an array of objects where the first value is the name of the field name being mapped over, and the second value is the field name on TrulyActivity.

Task: [{"TaskApiFieldName1", TrulyActivityApiFieldName1"}],
Account: [],
Contact: [],
Opportunity: [],
Lead: []

The app will automatically validate the accuracy of your JSON and call out issues such as bad field name mappings, incorrect JSON structure, etc.

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