Meeting Recorder FAQ

Frequently asked questions about Truly's Zoom and Microsoft Teams Meeting Recorder.

Erol Toker avatar
Written by Erol Toker
Updated over a week ago


What does this feature do (and why is it different?)

Who is this feature available to?

This feature is currently available to anyone with a Meeting Recorder license, uses Google or Outlook/Microsoft Apps, and has web meetings that are hosted on Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

How do I get started with this feature?

  1. Ensure your user has connected their Google Apps or Outlook account to Truly.

  2. Ensure your account or implementation manager has activated Meeting Recorder licenses for that user.

  3. Ensure your users add Zoom or MST meeting links to any meetings that need to be recorded (it doesn’t matter who the owner of the calendar invitation is).

Are Data Retention Policies supported yet by the Meeting Recorder?

This is not yet supported, though we plan to do so in the future.

Is Transcription supported by the Meeting Recorder?

Yes, Transcription is fully supported with the meeting recorder.

Google Calendar

How does the meeting bot know what meeting to dial into?

The meeting bot scans your calendar every minute to detect future calendar invitations that meet two criteria:

1) That the invitation has a participant in an external domain

2) The invitation has a valid meeting recording link in the Conference, Location, or Description fields of the calendar event (which is what all meeting recorder services use by default).

The bot then automatically dials into the meeting at the exact time of the scheduled meeting.

Can I have the Meeting Recorder join a meeting on demand?

This functionality is not currently supported, but we plan to do so in the future.

Zoom / MST Meeting Experience

Does the Meeting Recorder only record audio or video?

The default behavior is to record the meeting as a video file in .mp4 format.

Is there a way to make the Meeting Recorder only record audio?

No, not at this time.

How does the Meeting Recorder appear to participants?

The bot is shown to participants as a black square (no camera/image) with the user name ‘Truly Recorder’. This is designed to ensure that participants are aware that they are being recorded and that the other participant on the call is not a real person.

Does the bot need to be manually admitted into every meeting?

The bot is intelligent in that it supports all of Zoom and MST's easy dial-in features, so if you have a meeting link with a password, it will automatically use that password and skip the need to be admitted by the meeting host.

However, if you use a personal meeting room and/or alter the calendar invitation to remove the password, the bot will have to be admitted to the meeting like everyone else.

Does it work with Zoom / MST Webinars?

No, it does not work with Webinars.

Does it work with Breakout Rooms?

It would behave like a normal participant.

When does the bot leave the meeting?

The bot stays dialed into the meeting until one of four things happens:

  • The meeting time starts and nobody shows up for over 5 minutes.

  • The meeting time ends and the last participant leaves the meeting.

  • The Meeting Recorder is kicked out of the meeting room as a participant.

  • The meeting is ended by the host.

What happens if multiple Truly users are in one meeting?

A single instance of a bot joins representing all the users on the call.

Are all features of calling supported with meeting recordings?

The meeting recorder does not yet support our in-app features for end-users, like taking notes, adding dispositions, or manually changing the Salesforce task assignment. We plan to add these at a later time. If users want to add notes, you will have to take them in a separate notepad and attach them to the Salesforce Activity that is automatically created by the meeting bot.

Salesforce Sync

How does the Salesforce sync work?

This is identical to our logic for syncing calls, in that

1) Every meeting generates one Task per Truly participant with all related metadata (eg: callDurationSeconds).

2) The activities are created in real-time as soon as the meeting ends.

3) The activity is picked up by our Salesforce RPA data pipeline and processed for later discovery, reporting, and automation.

What does a synced meeting look like (format)?

We sync the data to the native Task object, with the following format:

  • Type: Meeting

  • Subject: Web Meeting {{Timestamp}}

  • Description:

Meeting ID: {{meeting_id}}

Participants: {{csv list of participant emails}}

Recording: {{recording_url}}

The task can be found in the activity of the Contact match in SFDC.

What fields are supported?

The sync repurposes several existing truly fields that work for other forms of communication:

  • CallDurationSeconds: calendar event duration (a future enhancement is planned to make this the actual duration of the meeting)

  • truly_recording: URL of the meeting video recording

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