How to Automate Next Steps

Configuring your next steps automations for coachable moments

Erol Toker avatar
Written by Erol Toker
Updated over a week ago

Once a coachable moment is detected, Truly will automatically log the event to allow you to report on it at a later time (eg: how often is Erol using the ACE framework in opening his calls?)

But sometimes, you want may want to trigger an action that reduces the managerial burden. Here are a series of automations used by one client to lead more effective deal reviews:

  • If an opportunity hasn't been updated in a week, update a field called 'stale' so the manager doesn't waste time on out of date deals

  • If an opportunity has gone cold for > 21 days and we've followed up 6+ times, automatically closed/lost the opportunity so the rep doesn't waste time on it.

  • If a deal is past the proposal stage and a new competitor is mentioned for the first time, send an email notification to the manager about the deal risk.

The types of automation available are summarized below (more details here)

What it does


Update CRM Record

Updates a record as a part of an existing process

Update the deal stage

Update the forecast stage

Update the 'suggested next step' field with prescriptive guidance

Tag the opportunity with a value to make later analysis easy.

Send Notification

Send Notification

Trigger a notification in Slack/MSFT Teams to the rep with a warning

Trigger an email notification to a call review email alias.

Create a follow-up task

Creates a specific follow up task for the rep to follow

If the rep hits a voicemail, create a follow-up task 3 days in the future.

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