Which Meetings Get Joined?
Erol Toker avatar
Written by Erol Toker
Updated over a week ago

Meeting Recorder automatically scans your Google/Outlook calendar to find meetings that you want tracked.

Tracking Vs. Recording (Default: Recording On)

Recording, transcribing and summarizing meeting content is a top feature; as such this is the default setting.

However, it is possible for Truly to capture meetings as activities without having the bot physically join the web conference. This will still verify that a meeting was still scheduled at the EXACT time of the meeting before creating an activity, thereby making it more accurate than tracking Events (which reflect only the latest state of the calendar and often miss recurring/moved events).

Internal Vs. External Meetings (Default: External Only)

Meeting Recorder is designed primarily for external meetings; as such, it looks for the following criteria in order to select which meetings to join:

  • At least one participant whose email is in a different domain (ex: if your email is erol@acme.com, we would need at least one address that is not in the acme.com domain). note: subdomains like email.acme.com would be considered to be in the same subdomain

  • Contains a link to a supported web meeting service: see this link for a list of all supported meeting providers.

Some customers prefer to user Truly for internal meetings as well. This capability can be activated via support. Note: AI Notetaker does not officially support internal meetings, so the quality of the summary will vary. You should be okay with this before turning this feature on.

Internal vs. External Hosts (Default: External)

By default, Meeting Recorder will attempt to join any external meeting on the user's calendar regardless of who the host is (for example, if the host is a customer or someone else internal who doesn't use Truly).

Some customers prefer to limit joining behavior to only if . This can be achieved by updating the setting with support.

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