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Conversational Analytics
Transcription Data Model & Derived Metrics
Transcription Data Model & Derived Metrics
Erol Toker avatar
Written by Erol Toker
Updated over a week ago

Truly automatically calculates and pushes the following data into Salesforce for building reports and automations.

These metrics are derived entirely from the transcript data and are in many ways a far more accurate representation of 'what happens' on a call than 'talktime' data that you get from other sources. For example, while 'CallDurationSeconds' often describes the length of a call/meeting, it doesn't capture things like dial time, time on hold, breaks taken in a meeting, etc. Transcription allows you to zoom in much further and see exactly what happened.

Field Names


Talktime Seconds - Rep

Talktime Minutes - Rep

How much time internal participants actually spoke on the call/meeting. This is calculated off transcription data and ignores things like ringing time, time on hold (music, silence)

Talktime Seconds - Customer

Talktime Minutes - Customer

How much time the customer actually spoke on the call/meeting. This is calculated off transcription data and ignores things like ringing time, time on hold (music, silence)

Talktime Percentage - Rep

Talktime Percentage - Customer

What % of total talktime on the call was spoken by your reps or external participants

Monologues - Customer

Monologues - Rep

How many segments of time the participant spoke for 2mins or more uninterrupted.


A bucket field that makes transcripts more easily reportable and searchable, calculated from 'total talk time'.

Transcript - Customer Side

Transcript - Rep Side

Transcript segments broken out into just internal and external speaker segments. Useful for analyzing 'who' is saying what in reporting and tracker analysis.


A full transcript of the conversation with all participants.

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