The following custom fields can be added to the Task object at any time to start syncing data into Salesforce.
The integration will pick up these fields in real-time and start pushing data -- no field mappings are necessary.
However, the API names need to match exactly inside of salesforce.
Metric Name | Definition | Format |
truly_id | a unique call session identifier | integer: 12345678 |
truly_direction | where a call was made from or into the system | string: inbound | outbound |
truly_missed | whether or not a call was missed. only applies to inbound calls (will be reflect false for outbound calls) | boolean: true, false |
truly_startTime | time the call was initiated in UTC | datetime: 2013-12-13 14:38:45 |
truly_callDuration | duration of a call formatted | string: 00:02:01 |
truly_callDurationSeconds | duration of call in seconds | Number (int): 365 |
truly_callDurationMinutes | duration of the call in minutes | Number (int): 14 |
callerNumber | number of the person calling our system | string: +19175555555 |
Metric Name | Definition | Format |
truly_recipientNumber | number called by our system | string: +19175555555 |
truly_timeToPickup | time it takes for a recipient user to pick up the phone (secs) | integer: 600 |
truly_recipient | friendly call recipient identifier | string: John Peters |
truly_caller | friendly caller identifier | string: Suzy Michaels |
truly_status | status of the call | string: busy | completed | failed | no-answer |
truly_region | region of the target. For inbound calls, this is the caller, for outbound calls this is the recipient | string: NY |
truly_country | country of the target | string: USA |
truly_target | specifies whether an inbound call was to a direct line or a phone menu. When an extension is dialed, this will count as a direct call | string: phone-menu | direct |
Metric Name | Definition | Format |
truly_queued | specifies whether a call was ever queued | bool: true | false |
truly_timeInQueue | time a user spent in a given queue (secs) | integer: 356 |
truly_timeToResponse | time to return or archive a missed call (secs) | integer: 356 |
truly_queueDropOff | caller hung up before being connected to a representative | bool: true | false |
truly_dayOfWeek | the day of the week the call came in, in the end-users timezone (0-Sunday, 6-Saturday, etc) | integer: 0-6 |
truly_hourOfDay | the hour of day the call was made based on the end-user’s timezone and shown in military time | integer: 0-23 |
truly_customCallDisposition | value selected from standard set of user-defined dispositions (standard empty string) | text |
truly_disposition | RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE: more detailed version of truly_status | text |
truly_recording | Recording URL | URL |