How to port numbers into Truly

Port your US phone numbers from other providers using these steps.

Erol Toker avatar
Written by Erol Toker
Updated over a week ago

Submitting a Port Request

  1. Download our Letter of Authorization (LOA) form and complete all relevant fields.

  2. Download the most recent copy of your bill from your existing phone provider in PDF form. (Must be from the last 30 days).

  3. Download a copy of your Customer Service Record (CSR) from your previous provider.

  4. If you're currently working with an implementation manager, please send both documents to them!

  5. Otherwise please send the documents to

IMPORTANT: The business name/address on your LOA and phone bill must match.

Also, you should not cancel your current phone service until you receive confirmation that the porting process has been completed.

Estimated Port Times

Port times are dependent on your current provider and how quickly their operations team can give us a port date. Industry convention is to plan for 2 weeks to complete a port.

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