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Troubleshooting desktop error messages
Troubleshooting desktop error messages

Common resolutions to error messages

Erol Toker avatar
Written by Erol Toker
Updated over a week ago

"Oops your deskphone is asleep. Try lifting the receiver to wake it back up".

If you're receiving this message, please attempt to restart/reboot your desk phone phone through the phone's menu or by unplugging and replugging it in.

"Oops, You must have the Truly mobile app open on your phone to start calls." & "Oops, Looks like your phone is unreachable"

If you're attempting to dial out with your mobile phone and are receiving this message, please attempt to restart the Truly mobile app, and keep it open while attempting to make a call.

"Oops, You temporarily cannot make VOIP calls. If the problem continues, please restart the app."

If you're receiving this message picture above please quit and reopen the desktop app. Next log out of the by clicking "Settings" in the bottom left corner of the app, then "Log out" to the right of it. Then log back in and attempt to make another call.

If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to the Truly support team at or by clicking your initials in the upper right corner in the desktop app and we'll be happy to assist!

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