How to set your audio preferences

Selecting the headset, microphone, or speakers that Truly will will use 🎧

Erol Toker avatar
Written by Erol Toker
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to verify and change your audio device in the desktop app. Via the headset icon and within the audio settings:

Set your audio devices via the Headset icon

  1. Click the Headset icon at the top right.

  2. Select your preferred Microphone from the drop-down You will see the five bubbles change color to reflect the levels of your voice.

  3. Select your preferred Speaker from the drop down, and test by clicking the play test sound button.

  4. Enable Pager Mode if the inbound call ringtone should play over the computer speakers and the headset simultaneously.

Set your audio devices via the Audio settings

  1. Click the Settings gear icon

  2. Select the Audio tab

  3. Select your preferred Microphone from the drop-down You will see the five bubbles change color to reflect the levels of your voice.

  4. Select your preferred Speaker from the drop down, and test by clicking the play test sound button.

  5. Enable Pager Mode if the inbound call ringtone should play over the computer speakers and the headset simultaneously.

If there are any issues with the microphone not recognizing your voice, or speakers not playing the test sound, please continue to Troubleshooting headset issues.

If you have any additional questions or issues please chat or email, and we’ll be happy to assist!

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