Erol Toker avatar
Written by Erol Toker
Updated over a week ago

Why TrulyActivity?

TrulyActivity is a custom object created by our RPA package that solves a number of issues associated with the Task object:

  • Custom Fields: the standard Task object gives you 100 custom fields which all other sales tool compete for. TrulyActivity gives you 800.

  • Limited JOINS: the standard Task object can only be joined to a single table in a custom report. TrulyActivity can be joined in any way you choose since it behaves like any other standard object.

How does it fit into the Salesforce Data Model?

A single lookup field is created on Task to TrulyActivity. This minimizes the need to free up Task fields and ensures the two objects are always in sync with Task create/update events.

See article TrulyActivity Data Model to learn more.

How does TrulyActivity Work?

Who/WhatId Autocomplete

Tasks that aren't related to the right WhatId/WhoId can have a big impact on your analytics and will not give you the confidence you need to automate pipeline inspection.

That's why our RPA package applies the following logic upon any Task update

  1. If there is already a WhoId/WhatId, do nothing

  2. If there is only a Contact, traverse to the Account and try to find an open Opportunity to set as the TaskId.

    1. If multiple open Opportunities exist, try to select the one owned by the Task assignee and if there are still multiple Oppts, then pick the most recently updated one.

  3. If there is only a Contact and no open Opportunities, set the WhatId to the Account.

Capturing Snapshot Data

Whenever a Task is created or updated, a corresponding TrulyActivity object is created/updated with 'snapshot' data of any related entities.

The following fields are automatically copied over by default from a combination of native Task fields, WhoId and WhatId combinations:

  • Account

  • Account Stage

  • Opportunity

  • Opportunity Stage

  • Contact

  • Lead

  • CallDurationSeconds


You can capture additional 'snapshot' data in TrulyActivity into your own custom fields to get even more flexibility in your search and reporting.

To learn more, see article ActivityETL

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